The Project

This project takes an in-depth look at how brands can use design to gain their customer's trust. The primary source of distrust in the cosmetic and skincare industry is in brands ethical practices regarding sustainability, animal testing, inclusivity, etc. Consumers prefer to support brands that align with their personal ethical and moral beliefs and brands that provide them with practical products that work. In order to reach an understanding of how trust is formed between brand and consumer, multiple in-depth case studies of existing popular cosmetic and skincare brands were performed. Other research methods included a survey and target demographic interviews, along with a thorough contextual review that discussed why ethics is such an essential issue to young people (Gen Z), and how to design recognisable branding that lasts, among other relevant topics. The most notable findings were that transparency and authenticity are the only accurate ways for a brand to earn trust, as consumers appreciate honesty. The final outcome of this project is a brand and campaign designed with transparency at the centre of every design decision. The brand uses honesty and inclusivity to its advantage and, according to the participants in the end of project interviews, successfully gained the trust of the target demographic.

More Info

Lucid Skin was my honours project which went along with my dissertation.

Dissertation title: “How might design be used to create trust between brand and consumer within the cosmetic and skincare industry?”

Programs used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro


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